When A Rattlesnake Slithered Up From Out Of Their Toilet, This Mom Did What She Had To!

When A Rattlesnake Slithered Up From Out Of Their Toilet, This Mom Did What She Had To!

OMG, it’s every parent’s nightmare! Actually, it’s EVERYBODY’s nightmare!

A young boy was trying to use the bathroom at his home in Abilene, Texas on January 26 when a rattlesnake slithered up from inside the toilet!

We don’t know the boy’s exact age, but that could ruin potty training for an adult!

The child tried to flush the adult Western Diamondback, but that apparently only agitated the poisonous predator.

By the time pros from Big Country Snake Removal arrived, the child’s mother had already killed the snake.

While sad that the poor creature died, when your baby is in trouble you do what you have to, ophidiophobia be damned.

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Big Country owner Nathan Hawkins says the snake had found an opening in a relief pipe, which he then sealed. But that wasn’t the last shock of the day for the family.

A further inspection of the property revealed 23 MORE SNAKES, mostly in the storm cellar or below the house.

Eesh! There goes our good night’s sleep… Stay safe out there!

[Image via Big Country Snake Removal/Facebook.]

Read more: http://perezhilton.com/2017-02-03-snake-from-toilet-mother-defends-child-texas
