Upgrade Your Curb Appeal

Upgrade Your Curb Appeal

Curb AppealAlthough it is hard to believe, Spring is not too far away, and as such it is not too early to begin thinking about how best to prepare your home for sale. Selling your home is all about putting your home’s best foot forward which starts with your home’s curb appeal. First impressions are extremely important and how your potential home buyers feel when they first pull up to your home can determine whether or not the showing is a success.

To help ensure you are putting yourself and your home in position for a favorable first impression, here are some tips for increasing your curb appeal.

Invest in Mulch

The quickest way to increase your curb appeal is through landscaping. Yes, tiers of overflowing buckets of flowers would be nice, but that is not realistic for most home sellers; mulch, however, is. While your budget will dictate what your mulching landscape will look like, there are plenty of options at every price point. On the high end is the dyed organic mulch, material that will make your yard really “pop” but at a price. The issue is that if this mulch is exposed to too much sunlight or gets hit with a decent amount of rain, the color will fade away resulting in the need for another mulching. If mulching twice a year is in your budget, then no worries! And if not, once again, no worries! You can instead implement less-expensive but hearty options like wood chips or pine straw. Gravel can even be an option when done tastefully.

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Make Your Own (Rock) Garden

Rock gardens can be great ways to create a different look in your landscape. Easy to set up and implement, rock gardens are attractive alternatives to plants and mulch. Accent the stones with an arrangement of large flower pots and you are set to make a dramatic impression on your visitors.

Upgrade Your Home’s Face with Accessories

Improvements and upgrades as simple as layering your home’s trim with another design element can drastically change your home’s appearance. Or if it falls within your budget, stripping away the old trim from the doors and windows and starting from scratch allows you to work with a blank canvas for maximum “Wow.” The addition of shutters can also add an aesthetic touch, so if your home currently is without shop around for a style that will complement your home’s front. Again, be sure to understand your budget and work to stay within!

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Paint Your Front Door

Creating an eye-catching upgrade can be as simple as painting your front door. A trendy strategy is to be bold, selecting a bright red color to make a strong impression; however, depending on the overall color of your home, going with something a little less pronounced – like a dark green or steel blue – can still go a long way.

Replace Your House Numbers

Since you are trying to make your home stand out, no detail is too small. One easy, but essential, detail we recommend paying attention to is your house number – take some time to visit your local hardware or craft store and pick out some numbers that are sure to make an impression. Give your visitors a reason to remember your home and its address!

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