Trump’s Son Called Out For Plagiarizing His Offensive Skittles Tweet

Trump’s Son Called Out For Plagiarizing His Offensive Skittles Tweet

Donald Trump Jr. is getting a lot of backlash for a controversial tweet he sent out comparing refugees to Skittles.

People arent just calling out the illogical and offensive message behind the tweet, but the fact he plagiarized it and stole the photo he used from a photographer who happens to be a former refugee.

Heres the original tweet.

The tweet, which compared actual human beings to candy, not only makes no sense, its not even Trump Jr.s idea.

He stole it from Joe Walsh, a former congressman turned conservative talk radio host.

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If youre going to make anignorant, xenophobic comment, at least be original.

To top it all off, in a major plot twist, the photo Trump Jr. used was actually taken by a former refugee, David Kittos.

Kittos is not happy about the photo being used without his permission, BBC News reports. He said,

This was not done with my permission, I dont support his politics and I would never take his money to use it.

In 1974, when I was six-years old, I was a refugee from the Turkish occupation of Cyprus so I would never approve the use of this image against refugees.

According to Kittos, the picture was taken a long time ago, and hes furious it was used to spread an anti-refugee message.

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Kittos explained,

This was six years ago when there were no Syrian refugees at the time and it was never done with the intention of spreading a political message.

I have never put this image up for sale. This was not done with my permission, I dont support Trumps politics and I would never take his money to use it.

I am now a British citizen but I am Greek-Cypriot by birth and in 1974 I was a refugee because of the Turkish occupation.

I was six years old. We lived in the area of Cyprus that is now under Turkish military control. We had to leave everything behind overnight. Our property and our possessions.

Its worth pointing out only three refugees have been arrested over terrorism since 9/11, which happens to be the same number of wives Donald Trump has had.

Refugees do not pose a major threat to the US.

Skittles had the best response to all of this.

In short, Donald Trump Jr.s Skittles tweet was an epic fail on so many levels.

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