Spring Cleaning DIY Tips

Spring Cleaning DIY Tips

spring cleaningSpring: the perfect time to clean out and update your home. Thankfully, spring is not too far away!

Many people feel like spring cleaning has to be an expensive and time consuming process but below we outline ten ways to give your home a spring makeover on a time and money budget.

  1. Keep It or Sell It

After long months of being cooped up inside your home, you probably have a good feel for what possessions are important and what you can get rid. Go through your rooms (one day at a time), and figure out what needs to be kept, what can be sold at a yard sale or donated, and what can be tossed out. Reorganizing can give a room a fresh look without spending any money.

  1. Closet Organization

While you are going through and decluttering each room, now would be the time to also take a closer look at your closets. A simple way to give closets a facelift is to get rid of all those old hangers that don’t match each other. Matching hangers not only give you more room, but also make your closets look much more organized.

  1. Add a Wall of Color
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Fight the dull and dreary colors of winter by adding an accent wall to a main room in your home, or even painting an entire interior room a bright color. The best part about paint is that you can go over it if you don’t like it.

  1. Cleaning the Carpets

Winter months often mean snow and salt being tracked into your home. Freshen up the room in your home by deep cleaning all the carpets. Many local hardware stores rent carpet cleaners, or you can pay to have a professional service done. The difference will amaze you all while brightening up the room!

  1. Decorate with Pillows
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Those not quite willing to paint their bedroom an aggressively bright green can opt for fun throw pillows instead. The pillows can be added to any room to bring in extra color, and can also be changed out for each season.

  1. Think White

Luxury hotels have a secret – using white linens brightens up a room without any effort on your part. While white sheets may be difficult to keep bright and white, they can be thrown in the wash with your other whites and some bleach.

  1. “Smart” Energy

The last few months of winter usually see days of warm weather, followed by weeks of freezing cold. Using smart thermostats to control the heat will not only save you money, but can be controlled from your phone.

  1. Kitchen “Reno”
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If you’re not looking to spend the money and time on a full kitchen renovation, think about replacing just the kitchen faucet. A new faucet will help give the kitchen a new look on a budget.

  1. Don’t Forget the Front

If you are spending all this time making the inside of your home fresh and clean, it’s important you don’t forget about the outside! The front of your home can easily be touched up with a new welcome mat or freshly painted front door and house numbers

  1. Spring is in the Air

Nothing says spring quite like a new flower garden. Planting seasonal flowers can add that fun extra color to your home within just a few hours.


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