Selling Your Home in Today’s Market

Selling Your Home in Today’s Market

sell your homeRemember the days when you could simply put a sign in the front yard and be overwhelmed with potential buyers? Well, that was pre-2008 and today things are a little different. That’s not to say that you can’t find the right buyer in a short amount of time, but there are a wider range of home selling techniques than there have ever been before. Utilizing them will help you successfully sell your home in today’s market.

The Price Is Right

Before the market crashed back in 2008 sellers were selling their homes for well over their market value. Today, pricing your home has to be done strategically and must be within a reasonable asking from the market value. Today’s buyers are much more cautious and savvy. They won’t spend time looking at a house that is overpriced.

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To Stage or Not To Stage?

Not every home buyer is looking for a fixer-upper so home staging is a necessity. More than ever, buyers want to be impressed when they walk through the front door. The days of letting buyers use their imagination are long gone. If you want your home to stand out you have to highlight all of its features.

Internet Marketing For Your Home

In today’s market the power of the internet can’t be overlooked. Sites like Trulia and Zillow are the new go-to for buyers. They save time and energy, making them more appealing than driving around for hours looking for “For Sale” signs. If you leave out the important tool of an internet listing your home will likely go unnoticed or have significantly fewer lookers.

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Realtors Are The Professionals

Lastly, as always, you need a Realtor who wants to sell your home as badly as you do. Nothing can match the power of a good Realtor. Don’t hire the first one you meet. Shop around, get to know several agents and pick the person who will best represent you and your home.
Follow these suggestions and your home will have a fighting chance in today’s market.

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