How to Properly Service Your Air Conditioning

How to Properly Service Your Air Conditioning

Air ConditioningHiring a professional every time you need a check-up or maintenance for your Air Conditioning unit can be a bit costly. The money you may spent on such visits can stay in your pocket if you commit to regular upkeep.

You wouldn’t believe what a standard maintenance you can carry out yourself does for the operational excellence of your air conditioning unit. And you only need to perform it at the end of a season. Pay special attention to the handy guideline we’re about to present to get fully acquainted with a proper execution of the servicing procedure.

Turn the power switch off

There’s no middle ground when the matter of safety is in question. The first thing you should do is to turn off the main source of electricity for the air conditioner and find the capacitor. To locate it quickly and with confidence, consult the manual provided by the manufacturer.

Enable a clear area for the condensing unit

The condensing unit is a part of the A/C system that brings the air to it and has to be uncovered to function smoothly. However, we tend to cover it in the winter months or huddle it with other items. Remove the seasonal paraphernalia that stifle it and allow it open the season in adequate conditions.

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Air Conditioning

Dust the condenser fan and oil up the motor

The condenser fan can get a thick cover of dust in the months when not in use. Fix this by employing a brush for the thorough sweep-up. The repair work of the condenser element performed by the seasoned A/C expert could cost you around 700 dollars.

Take preemptive measures to prevent this for as long as you can. Commence with the removal of the grill and the screws holding the fan. Next, detach the fan to obtain access to the oil section. The fan should be lubricated strictly with oil recommended by the manufacturer.

Hose the condenser coils and comb the fins

Employ a garden hose to clean up the condenser coils. Take off the coil guard prior to spraying the unit’s interior. This will successfully prevent the water-drenched debris to accumulate inside the fins. If the fins are bent, make sure to use a specialized comb to straighten it. The fins could also use some comb-work for clean-up.

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Refrigerant recycling

If you’re in need of a new refrigerant for your residential air conditioning unit, you may want to rely on some professional assistance to avoid leakage. Even though you can change it on your own, it’s not recommended to temper with the dangerous gases if you’re not entirely proficient in this procedure.

Service the Filters

Sometimes the filter is not suited for further use and needs to be replaced. The dirt is, however, an easy problem to solve. If you don’t clean it properly or replace it in a timely manner, the bacteria and fungi may build up there and pose as an inhaling hazard.

How to clean the filter?

  1. Take off the air-filter encompassing casing
  2. Remove the filter
  3. Use cloth to clean it
  4. Treat it with a mixture of gentle soap and water
  5. Repeat twice a month for the prolongment of its life
  6. Let it dry out totally before you reconnect it to the unit
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When to purchase a new filter?

If the filth has covered the filter in entirety and it won’t budge, the new plastic, electrostatic-mesh filter is rather inexpensive to get in a local store. Cut it, rinse with clean water and let it dry. Install it by placing the element to a designated spot.

Air Conditioning

The ducts and routine check-ups

The air ducts require our attention and the procedure entails regular vacuuming. This will oust the dust particles and debris trapped in the air conditioning ducts.

It goes without saying that routine check-ups are a must. Regular inspection of the breakers, fuses, and thermostats, including connections will ensure optimal performance.

The A/C units are working diligently all season long to bring us the ideal indoor conditions. The least we could do is keep it in order.

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