Northern Virginia Home Sellers: Avoid Frightening Off Buyers

Northern Virginia Home Sellers: Avoid Frightening Off Buyers

Northern Virginia Home for saleAs a Northern Virginia home seller you want to showcase your home in the best way possible. There are a number of pay-to-play approaches to get your home “sale ready” (paying to landscape, upgrading old appliances, staging, etc) however there are also some alternatives that while not necessarily all that pricey, can help make or break your home’s sale.

Here are five simple strategies to avoid frightening off potential buyers for your Northern Virginia home:

Remove the Clutter:

We know that you have heard this before, but a clean, clutter-free home is really the easiest strategy to implement when selling your home. A dirty home is an immediate turn off to a potential home buyer while clutter makes the rooms feel small and cramped. Make sure to give your home a deep clean and either trash, donate, or put in storage as many of the collected items as possible.

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Remove the Wallpaper:

If there is one constant trait in potential Northern Virginia home buyers it is that they do not like wallpaper, especially if said wallpaper is old, loud, or speaks to a personalized theme.  No matter how small the wallpapered area is, it can leave a negative impression that the home buyers carry with them throughout the entire house. So when you are ready to sell, take down the wallpaper and replace with fresh coat of neutral paint.

Remove Yourself:

When hosting an open house be sure to head out and run some errands or take the family to lunch. Your presence can add an unnecessary tension to the open house, putting stress on the potential home buyers. With you hanging around, the home buyer might avoid asking a question or seeing what is behind a door. Trust your agent to show your house on your behalf.

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Remove Misleading Photos:

It is easy to leverage favorable shadows and angles when placing pictures of your Northern Virginia home online. While you do want to show off your home and its best qualities as attractively as possible, you also want to do so accurately. Misleading photos might get potential home buyers in the door but once they are there they will feel taken advantage of and upset once they discover that the pictures were not accurate representations of the home.

Remove Sticker Shock:

Help yourself sell your Northern Virginia home quickly by placing a fair value on your home. Avoid letting sentimental memories inflate the price as potential home buyers will not be interested in paying for them. By understanding both what comparable homes in your area are selling for along with the conditions of the real estate market in general, you can price your home to sell quickly.

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