Modern kitchen décor ideas for every home

Modern kitchen décor ideas for every home

kitchen decorIf you have been using your kitchen only to prepare your food, you have been using it wrong. Kitchens are lovely, warm rooms where you can bond with your beloved ones, family members, and dear friends. It is where the magic happens, you cook, but in fact, you are exploring your creativity and experience sheer joy of creating something tasty and beautiful with your own hands. It is only natural that you want your kitchen to be functional and modern, and luckily, that can be arranged quite easily.

Paint kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinets take up the most room in the kitchen, and it is not quite convenient to replace them the moment you feel like you are tired of them. Luckily, with a bit of imagination, patience, and skill, you can paint your old cabinets and completely transform your kitchen. Keep in mind that bright and pastel colors open up the space, so if your kitchen is small it is a good choice. However, if you would like to add something fun and inconvenient, use chalkboard paint to turn cabinet doors into small blackboards on which you could leave cute notes or even write recipes.

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Try open shelvingkitchen decor

If you are tired of all those cabinet doors all over you kitchen and somehow always getting confused which one you have to open, try installing ope
n shelves
instead. Of course, it is not necessary to replace every single cabinet with an open shelf, but a small change might do you good. This way, you will be able to exhibit all those lovely kitchenware sets you are so proud of, or perhaps choose to keep your herbs there – always handy and look amazing at the same time.

Windows should be bright

Kitchen windows are usually forgotten until it is time to clean them, but it does not have to be so. Pick lovely, colorful curtains with floral or geometric patterns to cheer the place up, and hang something on the window to express your joy for the upcoming holidays: small pumpkins or strings, little wreaths, and candy canes.

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Functionality akitchen decors a priority

Once you have set everything up and it looks amazing, it is time to take a look at your kitchen appliances and see if there is a way for you to improve and upgrade them. Do you have everything you need for cooking or do you still have to borrow something from your friends or your mother? Always have enough knives, good set of pots and pans, mixer, blender, and a corkscrew; and start from there. Get rid of anything that is broken, and buy things you know that will last long and be useful for entire family.

Light, bright, and fully functional kitchen will save your time, money, and energy and make you forget about everything while you prepare a wonderful meal. Not only is it important for this room to be functional, but beautifully decorated as well, and once you achieve that this will surely become one of favorite places in your home.

Exclusively Written For Homes Re-Imagined, LLC By Derek Lotts

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