Maximizing Your Small Space

Maximizing Your Small Space

small space

If you’re stuck with a small space, trying to optimize the potential can be difficult. Using these simple tricks will help your room feel larger, without changing the actual square footage.

1. Minimal Pieces, Larger Size

Many people feel they have to use more smaller pieces to make a room feel bigger, when in truth, you’re actually making the space feel tight and cluttered. The trick is optimizing the room function by using a few larger pieces. A large sectional, coffee table or piece of artwork can attract the eye away from the floor space and make the room feel much larger.

2. Have Multi-Room Functions

Even though a room is small, it’s important to define the spaces properly which helps to give the room a larger feel. This includes having multiple areas within a room, instead of one “centered” feel. Try using a small reading corner alongside the television area to create a multi-purpose room that can create a bigger feel overall.

3. Monochromatic Colors Create Larger Spaces

Keeping a room simple, clean and open starts with the colors you bring in to the room. Try sticking with one main color, switching the hues throughout the room. When you add in multiple colors the room can look cluttered and “busy” bringing the eyes’ attention to everything instead of blending well within the décor. Use pastel colors to attract light in while brighter, more vibrant colors can serve as a focal wall.

4. Think Up When the Floor is Small

Distracting the eye from the actual floor space is a simple way to make a room feel larger. Simply use the ceiling of the room with a shelf just below the ceiling line.

Another easy fix is using a basic crown molding along the ceiling line, painted in the same color as the ceiling itself.

5. “Make” a Bigger Window

If your windows are on the small side, you can make them feel larger using drapery and a few visual tricks. Purchase a curtain rod that extends a foot (or more!) beyond the windows edge. If you have a smaller wall, you can alternately do a wall-to-wall window covering too. Instead of installing the drapes above the window, stick them near the ceiling and cover them with floor length drapes.

6. Bare It All – Legs Included

Sleek, slender legs can help you visually distract from a small space by showing the floor space underneath. When you have skirted furniture, it creates a feeling of hiding and in turn making the room feel smaller.

7. Move Away From the Walls

Keeping your furniture against the walls is a go-to method for many people with smaller rooms. Unfortunately, you’re making a room feel tight and closed by pushing the space to the middle of the room. Consider moving a chair away from the wall; by moving the pieces to the middle of the room, you’re creating the illusion of more area by drawing the attention to the space behind the furniture, instead of in front of it.

Your small space does not have to feel small! Use these tips and tricks to turn your small area into your own luxurious palace.

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