Margaret Atwood’s Chilling Misogynist Dystopia Tops Amazon Book Sales

Margaret Atwood’s Chilling Misogynist Dystopia Tops Amazon Book Sales

Another day, another politically charged book claiming the top spot on Amazons hourly updated best-seller list.

In the horse race of literary sales, classic speculative dystopian novel The Handmaids Tale, by renowned Canadian author Margaret Atwood, is currently nosing ahead. With a little help from spine-tingling Super Bowl teasers for the upcoming Hulu series adaptation of the book, Atwoods foreboding tale of a society that regresses into religiously driven totalitarianism took the top spot from Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos Dangerous.

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Margaret Atwood’s modern classic has nudged Milo Yiannopoulos’s Dangerous out of No. 1 on Amazon.

The Handmaids Tale, which was originally published in 1985, envisions a region, currently known as the United States, governed by an oppressive theocratic oligarchy called The Republic of Gilead. When the regime took power, women in a then-egalitarian society quickly lost the right to hold jobs, own property or money, or choose their destinies. Instead, the women are shunted into roles subservient to male needs. The heroine, Offred, becomes a handmaiden, whose calling it is to conceive and bear children for a high-level government official whose wife is infertile.

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In April, a series adaptation of the book starring Elisabeth Moss as Offred will premiere on Hulu. The show has stirred up ample anticipation, boasting a stellar cast, a striking premise, and beloved source material.Handmaids Tale, with its chilling, artful depiction of womens rights ripped away by a fundamentalist regime, often appears on feminist reading lists and English class syllabuses alike.

In a voiceover concluding the teaser, Offred declares, I intend to survive. (Watch the full trailer above.)

As the series wont be out for some time, its no wonder intrigued viewers might be turning to the book upon which its based first, or gearing up for the streaming event by rereading the novel. And it seems they did, in droves. As of Monday morning, the book wasnt just in the top spot on Amazon the paperback edition was in restocking limbo:

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The paperback edition of The Handmaid’s Tale will be in stock on Amazon on Wednesday.

Then again, maybe its not just excitement over the TV show. According to Amazons Frequently Bought Together widget, customers who picked up a copy ofHandmaids Talemost often bought two other classic novels enjoying a surge in popularity during this political moment: George Orwells1984 and Sinclair LewisIt Cant Happen Here.

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