Landscaping That Can Survive Northern Virginia’s Winters

Landscaping That Can Survive Northern Virginia’s Winters

If you live in Northern Virginia, you already know just how cold it can get in the winter and you may be wondering what, if anything, can survive the harsh Northern VA winters. Are you able to have a lovely landscaped yard with the climate here? Don’t let the weather dupe you into thinking you can’t plant the trees and flowers you love. You absolutely can!
While homes in Northern Virginia may not be the best place for, let’s say, azaleas, there is still a wide array of plants that thrive in this area of the country, and even survive the winter. If you love bright and varying colors, the pansy is the perfect flower for your yard’s landscape. This is one of the flowers considered most hardy for winter weather, can stand snow and frost, and grow all year long.

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The pansy will still show its bright colors when the snow falls, making the landscape of your yard that much more breathtaking against the pristine white backdrop Virginia sees each winter. Speaking of the white backdrop, holly is another plant that is very winter hardy that will look fantastic in your yard. It grows all year around but is especially beautiful in the winter.

As far as trees go, Maple trees are perfect for the chill of the north and put on a glorious show in the fall. Come winter they still hold their majesty. If you are moving from a very warm climate, you may worry that you will miss your palm trees, but we have some good news, you can have palms in Virginia! The Chinese Windmill Palm is quite popular for colder climates. It survives with great ease through the cold winter months and still manages to look glamourous in the icy cold weather Northern VA is famous for!
Other than enjoying healthy year-round landscape for yourself, there are several other reasons to keep you landscape freshened up.

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• Resale Value: As a homeowner when you keep your home’s curb appeal in tip top shape you keep its resale value that much higher.

• Renter’s Appeal: Whether your investment property is already rented or not, its curb appeal still matters.

• Investment Flips: While your investment properties are on the market keep their landscape trimmed and tidy. You want potential buyers to know just how much you value your properties.

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