Get High Just Like Hunter S. Thompson Did With His Zombie Pot

Get High Just Like Hunter S. Thompson Did With His Zombie Pot

For the many who idolize Hunter S. Thompson, pioneering creator of Gonzo journalism and author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, following in his footsteps looks pretty daunting until now.

Thompson’s drug-fueled, immersive approach to his art sets a high barrier to entry, but to spend a day in this New Journalist’s shoes, acolytes will soon be able to skip recreating experiences like embedding with a violent biker gang. That’s because his widow, Anita Thompson, recently announced that she’ll be marketing “authentic Gonzo strains” from Hunter’s “personal” marijuana stash.

Yep, one day we may all be able to get exactly as high as Thompson did. 

In a Facebook post, Thompson revealed that she has preserved several kinds of her late husband’s pot, and that she’ll be using DNA extracted from the leaves to reanimate the exact strains he smoked.

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The pot project comes as an offshoot of a recent business deal struck between Anita Thompson and the Gonzo Trust, a corporation set up by the writer prior to his death. According to the Aspen Times, the agreement granted her ownership rights to Hunter S. Thompson’s likeness, while she gave up the right to his book proceeds. As a part of the deal, she also purchased back Owl Farm, the Woody Creek, Colorado, compound where her late spouse resided prior to his death in 2005. Although she had full occupancy rights and continued to live there, the property itself had been owned and operated by the Gonzo Trust since his death.

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“Since it became legal I get approached probably once a month by cannabis growers, dispensaries,” Thompson told the Aspen Times. In Colorado, recreational marijuana was legalized in 2012. She explained that she’d never wanted to to make a deal before.

“It’s the same story every time: Somebody wants to slap Hunter’s name on their strain,” she said.

In a Facebook post, Thompson explained that her planned Gonzo varietal will be legit, stating, “I have found a legal method to extract the DNA from Hunter’s personal marijuana and hashish that I saved for 12-15 years.” She’s now working with a cannabis company to turn that DNA into fresh-grown weed.

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“I am looking forward to making the authentic strains available in legal states to support the Farm and the scholarships,” she added. 

Or, as she more facetiously put it to the Aspen Times, “I’m looking forward to being a drug lord.”

Is it even possible to recreate a Gonzo weed from Hunter’s musty old stash? The Washington Post suggests the answer is yes, though it would be far more challenging than cloning a living plant: “In 2012, in fact, Russian biologists announced they revived an Arctic flower that had perished 32,000 years ago, brought back thanks to seed tissue preserved for millennia beneath the Siberian tundra.”


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