Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams Donald Trump For ‘Belittling And Delegitimizing’ CNN Reporter!

Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams Donald Trump For ‘Belittling And Delegitimizing’ CNN Reporter!

Journalists stick together!

During Wednesday’s

That same day, Shepard Smith came to Jim’s defense during his closing monologue.

The Fox News anchor explained the news network was completely ethical while reporting on the scandalous summary that alleged the racist Republican had hired prostitutes to pee on each other in front of him.

The TV personality clarified that CNN didn’t actually describe any of the unconfirmed details in their coverage, arguing:

“President-elect Trump today told CNN’s Jim Acosta the his organization amounts to fake news. CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and distinctly different from the document dump executed by an online news property.”

He continued to slam the combover king’s behavior, adding:

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards and that neither they nor any other journalists should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

Watch his monologue (below):

Well said, Shep!

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[Image via FOX, WENN.]

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