Do’s and Don’ts for Your Online Listing Photos

Do’s and Don’ts for Your Online Listing Photos

online listing photosWhen preparing your home for a quick sale you will need to pay attention to your online listing photos – in particular your home’s online photo portfolio. If it is in your budget, a professional photographer can be a solid investment when it comes to putting your home’s best foot forward. However, if you prefer to take the pictures yourself, here are examples of “Do’s and Don’ts” when posting your online listing photos.

Do: Get a Street View Photo

Curb appeal is important for both online and in person viewing of your home.  Be sure that when you take the photo the front yard is tidy and there are no major obstructions in the way – potential home buyers don’t want to see your car in the driveway blocking the view!

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Do: Create a Warm, Welcome Vibe

Make sure that your front entrance way feels like it is inviting people into the home by using a photo trick of taking a picture with the front door open.

Don’t: Scare Visitors Away

Signs that scream “NO TRESPASSING” or “BEWARE OF DOG” do not make visitors – including potential home buyers – feel all that welcome! Be sure to take down these signs before snapping some shots of the front door.

Do: Get High (Photos)

If your home sits on a waterfront or has a large number of acres included in the purchase it can be to your advantage to get a couple of photos from above. Aerial photos are also becoming easier to get with the rise of drone photography!

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Don’t: Get Fishy

You have seen this trick before: using a fish-eyed lens to make a home’s interior look larger than it really is. While this trick might work to get somebody off of the internet and into your home for a follow-up, it will most likely backfire on you as the potential home buyers will be disappointed when they do see the space and realize they have been tricked. Make your home look as good as possible but also make sure to avoid any major illusions.

Do: Focus on the Good

Does your home have unique woodwork? Did you recently upgrade the kitchen? How about the bathroom? Do not be shy about showing off your home’s best qualities.

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Don’t: Focus on Yourself

When you are taking photos around the house make sure that you avoid catching reflections of yourself in the mirrors or windows. One, it looks silly; and two, you want those looking at the pictures to imagine themselves in the house, not see you!

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