Decorating Tips for Couples Moving in Together

Decorating Tips for Couples Moving in Together

decorating tipsMoving in together is a great milestone in every relationship, and from that point on everything changes. You will have someone to wake up with in the morning, you will prepare food for two, and you will discover some habits of your partner you weren’t aware of, but sharing a space, as well as sharing a life, requires compromises. The first thing you will need to find middle ground about is the décor, which is normally a matter of personal taste and needs – someone will prefer beige over green for the walls, someone will want to sleep on a soft mattress instead of firm, etc. Those are not the reasons to create trouble in paradise. Here are a few tips that will help you weather this storm together and end up with a perfectly decorated place.

Find an in-between Style

Deciding on style is the first major decision you have to make when it comes to décor, and you will be able to build the rest of your décor upon it. Don’t get carried away with the fact that eclectic style is quite popular lately, if both of you start throwing illogical pairings into a room, it will look like a mess. Instead, both of you should decide on the style you want and then blend it into one that is the closest to both sides.

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Agree on Color Palette

A consistent color palette will make it easier for some pieces that wouldn’t otherwise go together to blend in seamlessly into the space. Neutral palette is a good place to start, but if you agree on some specific colors you both love, make sure they pair well together and everything else will be easier.

Give Veto Powers

There will always be some sticking points when it comes to buying new things or bringing in some old possessions. One will probably not be very keen on having a bright pink chair in the living room, while the other will consider Playboy calendar to be a deal-breaker. The simplest way to solve it is for each of you to have one or two veto powers and use it wisely.

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Something Old and Something New

It is normal that due to economical and sentimental reasons, both of you bring some stuff from your old apartments into your new home. Still, try not to go overboard, after all this is a new beginning. You should especially think about investing in some statement pieces, such as a beautiful designer sofa, a dining table and a king size bed.

Consider Your Habits and Hobbies

The fact that you are living together doesn’t mean that you should stop having individual needs, habits and hobbies. On the contrary, you should make room for those things. A reading nook for an avid reader, a console station for a passionate gamer, a makeup vanity desk in the bedroom… anything that makes your significant other happy.

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Make It a Home of the Two of You

A house/apartment becomes a home only when it is personalized. With your love nest, you have to make sure that you do it as a duo. So, if you are planning on having an accent wall in your living room, why not hang a bunch of your photographs, or photographs of places you were or both of you would love to visit? Accessorize the rooms with little things that mean a lot to you – from souvenirs you bought together (or to each other) to posters with quotes that have some meaning for your relationship.

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In the end, have fun with it. Decorating your first home should be an exciting adventure, rather than a stressful undertaking. And whatever you do, don’t allow the tiny disagreements to have a negative impact on your relationship. Set your priorities straight – your mutual love is what makes the place a home, and not a green sofa and purple drapes.

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