Combining the elements in your home to create a personal Zen sanctuary

Combining the elements in your home to create a personal Zen sanctuary

Water sanctuaryA peaceful oasis in the bustling urban landscape is something many people crave for.  Who wouldn’t want to own a well-organized, pristine interior that is low on clutter and high on functionality? The best way to go about it is to strike a sublime balance between the natural elements and invite tranquility into your home. When experimenting with the arrangement of the elements, it is best to start small. Only then can you hope to incorporate the natural essence in your living environment and make it as comfortable as possible.

Planet Earth

Every home needs the stability and strength of the earth element and you do not have to tread far to find a bit of nature for decoration. Collect stones, branches and other natural blessings and display them in jars or vases. They give away a sense of grounding and balance which helps you focus and achieve clarity of mind.

Pottery pieces nurture the energy of earth, as well as wooden furniture that features functional and clean lines. Use earth tones like shades of brown and green, and introduce low and flat surfaces to emphasize the earth sensation. Likewise, rectangular and square shapes show the sturdy side of the Mother Nature.

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Air sanctuaryLight as air

To foster the freedom and vitality of the air, let it flow and circulate freely in your home. Open your windows whenever you can and let the fresh air in. It is also a good idea to use air filters, purifiers and ionizers, or to bring some plants in.

Soothing music and sounds are excellent allies when establishing an airy presence in your home, so make sure to put together an appropriate list. Aromatherapy is also something to muse on because by lighting scented candles it is possible to mix air and fire into a unique amalgam of relaxation. Finally, install wind chimes on your patio to repel negative energy and attract good fortune.

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Fire in the bellyFire sanctuary

Fire has inspired awe in people since the dawn of time. So, use candles and natural light to warm up the home, and use red or orange tones to increase the level of blazing passion and productivity. If you want to prepare for the long winter season, the best thing you can summon is an indoor fireplace.

It is advisable to install it in the communal room, and to go for a brick fire feature that blends flames with the earth element. Note that you can also light your fireplace with gas fireplace balls for the effective earth and fire combo. That way you will treat yourself with a mesmerizing spectacle to rest your eyes and mind on.

Water World

There is nothing quite like the calm and wisdom of the water, and nothing conjures it as the sound of trickling water coming from a tabletop fountain. The same is true for other water features like the aquariums that stimulate deep thinking. Furthermore, mirrors or other reflective surfaces embody that unique feeling of restful water.

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Try to deliver a special watery touch with wavy, free forms that also complement the straight earth edges. Note that dark tones are the ones that add to the wet ambience, so pick suitable decorative pieces. Just try to avoid the overabundance of the water element that triggers emotional overload.

Harmonic sanctuaryEarth sanctuary

Smart use of limited space is the secret behind the art of the minimalistic perfection. Do not neglect a single area or corner because every inch counts. By understanding the characteristics of each element you can get the big picture and pull the space together. Do not let one element take over and create imbalance. Done right, the synergy of fire, water, earth and air can transform any space into a serene retreat that embraces flawless harmony and Zen pureness.

Exclusively Written for Homes Re-Imagined, LLC by Derek Lotts

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