Around 5 percent of Super Mario Run downloaders end up buying the game

Around 5 percent of Super Mario Run downloaders end up buying the game

Some additional insight out of todays Nintendo earnings. The gaming giant offered some key contextual information about Marios recent mobile debut. The title has racked upmore than 78 million downloads globally, according to the company, pulling in a respectable $53 million or so since it hit iOS in December.

The company puts Super Mario Runs conversation rate at more than 5-percent. The number is actually considered high given the relatively steep $10 price point in the US many games a fraction of the price dont hit that number After all, when pricing was first announced for the title, it sent an internet accustomed to paying less than $5 for a mobile game into abit of a collective freak out.

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Even so, The Wall Street Journal reports that Nintendo isnt satisfied with the paid rate, with Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima noting that the company had anticipated double-digit numbers on that front. And its probably no surprise that the company was expecting big numbers, given the success of Niantics Pokemon Go and the cache of Nintendos most beloved bit of IP.

Of course, its worth noting that Nintendos mobile strategy has never just been about downloads. When the company finally bit the bullet and decided to move to mobile after years of foot dragging, its strategy was as much about spreading its intellectual property to new users, a gamble thats paid off with Pokemon Go, a major contributing factor to the explosive sales of Pokmon Sun and Pokmon Moon for the 3DS.

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So, if all goes well, the mobile Mario may help Nintendo get some Switches out the door, as well.

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