Affordable Ways to Enliven Your Backyard

Affordable Ways to Enliven Your Backyard

backyardOne of the perks of living in a house instead of in an apartment is having your very own backyard. A backyard should be a peaceful oasis providing you with the much needed rest and spend time with friends and family. As all good things, this doesn’t come on a silver plate; you have to work for it.

Sometimes it happens that due to a multitude of duties you have outside and inside your home, you forget about taking care of your patio, and in a blink of an eye, your backyard has turned into a sad-looking, haunting idea of what should be an oasis. In that moment you realize, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and breathe in new life into that space. It’s not that hard or expensive. We’ll help you.

Build your Privacy

backyardYou already know that first you should do is to mow the lawn and get rid of the clutter, so we’re not going to waste your time on that. Let’s jump right to one of the advantages of having backyard garden- privacy. It is a space only for you and your loved ones, so you should protect it from curious eyes of your neighbors and passers-by. We propose building a wall. It doesn’t have to be expensive; you can build it out of old bricks or stones, and give a special feel to it, by letting your kids draw on it. A slower solution is to plant some trees.

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Decorating Edges with Hedges

Planting some hedges around the borderlines of your garden will definitely soften the cold-stone look and truly liven up your backyard. Apart from being suitable for creating outer boundaries, hedges are also a good solution for particularizing some different garden areas, in which case you can use low hedges. For the outer limits, of course, you should stick to the higher and thicker hedges.

Walking Areas

backyardWhat’s the use of having a backyard when you can’t take a walk through? For that, you’ll need some neat pavers. There are different factors influencing your choice, including the ease of maintenance, price, durability and looks, claim reputed Sydney-based suppliers of pavers. If you set your mind on choosing an affordable, quality option, you should probably consider the practical yet attractive concrete ones or those made of clay.

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The Almighty Trees

A backyard without trees is not living up to its potential. During the hot summer days, trees will provide you with the life-saving shade, and beside, they’ll look stunning. They are the good guys, giving you fresh air when you lack of it, so start planting. The easiest and the cheapest solutions are probably fruit trees, the trick is only in taking special care of them the first few months. After that, you can literally enjoy the fruits of your labor.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

backyardIf you have some wooden pieces in your backyard, such as a shed, fence or garden furniture, refresh them by putting on some new layers of paint. All you need to do is to prepare the wood previously by cleaning it and if needed removing old layers of paint, to be sure you’ll get the desired results. The next step is to choose some vivid color and paint the boredom away. Opt for a combination of two colors and play around with patterns if you feel like it.

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Voila! If you have followed these steps, probably you have your own little oasis by now. It’s optional for you to take it few steps further by planting flowers, adding fountains or lakes, or customize your patio in any way you feel like. The sky is your limit.


Written By Lillian Connors

Exclusively For Homes Re-Imagined, LLC

Author Bio: If one thing is true about Lillian Connors, her mind is utterly curious. That’s why she simply can’t resist the urge to embark on all sorts of home improvement projects and spread the word about them. She’s also deeply into green practices, cherishing the notion that sustainable housing and gardening will not only make us far less dependent on others regarding the dwellings we inhabit, but also contribute to our planet being a better place to live on. You can check her out on Google+Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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