Key Elements of Provincial French Decor

Key Elements of Provincial French Decor

Provincial French DecorWhen speaking about nations that did most for the worlds culture and art it is absolutely inevitable to mention France. Speaking about interior design it is also impossible not to reflect the fact that even the word décor is of the French origin. So, with this in mind it is in no way surprising that one of the greatest compliment a decorator can receive is that his or hers designs look French. However if you aim to achieve that specific charm of provincial France in your home, here are some of the key rules you need to adhere to.

Colors to have in mind

There is probably nothing that depicts French countryside better than Provencal lavender fields. Vivid yet subtle. All that should be at your disposal here is the pallet of natural colors since after all, in a French provincial home there is no place for anything flamboyant. All colors, should be at disposal, only the choice of hue should be more temperate. For example, if it is red you want to go for, try the color of burnt rust. On the other hand if you are more interested in something colder like dark blue, choose the cobalt or the nuance of a soft oceanic blue.

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Nothing but natural materialsProvincial French Decor

Next, what you need are authentic French provincial furniture pieces to get into this general mood. For example, the most crucial thing here is the material used, so resort to nothing but rustic and 100% natural. Furniture should be genuine dark wood and the same should go for floors as well. Another great idea for a genuine provincial floor, would be to try a solid stone floors. You can later on enhance them with the nice choice of woolen or cotton area rugs. To sum up, wood, stone and metal are answers to all of your questions. Needless to say for doors or windows, PVC is simply not an option.

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A final touch to French DecorProvincial French Decor

Now that you have most of these issues covered, it is time to round it all up. The focal point of any French provincial home is a fireplace and here your choices are quite wide indeed. There are various traditional solutions that might come in handy and it is up to you to pick the most appropriate one.

Also, even though you are going for a simple provincial look, you cannot leave your home looking empty. Accessorize a bit with a vintage lamp here and there and in this way address the issue of light as well. All that is left for you now is to fill in the blank spaces with a choice of fresh flowers (the aforementioned lavender is really your most obvious choice) and there you have it, a genuine rural French household.

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The rules of the game are quite simple, always go for as natural look as you possibly can. This means natural colors, natural materials and keeping the décor as simple as possible. Here, it is really all about the will, since where there is a will, there is always a way. Your only limitations are your own creativity and imagination. Have fun!

Exclusively Written for Homes Re-Imagined, LLC by Derek Lotts

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