6 Ways To Make The Most of a Small Space

6 Ways To Make The Most of a Small Space

Small SpaceLiving in a small space is a challenge that many people face with, especially those living in apartments. Of course, it is not something unheard of for house owners either. There are several creative and practical ways that can help anyone use the space they have most efficiently and achieve pleasant and chaos-free atmosphere.

Tidy Up, Declutter and Discard

The first rule to making any room more spatial is to organize everything that is placed in the room carefully. Regardless of whether the room is a kitchen, bedroom or living room, take a good look at all the possessions taking up available space and decide what it is that you actually do not need. Break your attachment to material objects and throw or give away anything that seems misplaced or unused for a long period of time.

Use the Walls in a Small SpaceSmall Space

With small spaces you have to use every available part of the room for storage and displays so do not leave your walls bare. Shelves and cupboards can easily be installed thus creating more storage opportunity in an otherwise small room. Moreover, hanging art and other types of wall décor is very important because it will make you and your guests look up, concentrating on the decoration instead of the limited space. This way you can avoid feeling trapped in your own home.

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Multifunctional Furniture

Furniture with different purposes is more than appropriate for smaller homes. Tables that can serve as sofas, combination of chair and shelf, beds that reveal desks when pulled up, etc. are only some of the useful and multifunctional furniture that can find a great place in your home. What’s more, if you have to deal with stairs taking a lot of space, use the side of the stairs for storage, shelving, display and so on.Small Space

Introduce Dividers

Specially designed room dividers or other things like curtains can be very useful for different purposes, especially when you need to make another “room” out of nothing. This can be very beneficial for creating additional space for a home office in order to separate your working area from the rest of your home. This way you will be able to concentrate on your job more.

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Small Space

Appearance of a Bigger Space

In order to create an illusion of a bigger space in a small room, it is important to carefully choose the colors that will be dominant in the home. Basically, light colors on walls and floors will create the appearance of larger and more spacious room. If you want to make the room seem taller than it really is, paint the ceiling in some interesting color or put wallpaper on it. You can also use really long and bright curtains on your windows to make this trick work even better.


Choose Special Doors and WindowsSmall Space

If you are not afraid of investing a little in your home in order to save space, choose sliding doors and windows instead of regular ones. This might sound strange at first, but the way regular doors and windows open can only create additional mess and trouble in small interiors, especially if the furniture is nearby. Sliding mechanism on the other hand will not occupy any space at all.

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The best thing about working on improving the living conditions of a small space is the fact that you can choose from being creative and having fun with DIY projects or simply opting for pre-made practical solutions without breaking a sweat. Planning ahead when buying new home décor and furniture and always keeping the home clean are some other necessary factors for making the most of a small space.

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