6 Tips for Staging Your Home (For Free!)

6 Tips for Staging Your Home (For Free!)

staging your home

When you hear the word “staging,” do you automatically see dollar signs? Most people do! In fact, the vast majority of sellers think they have to pay someone to stage their home, but this is not necessary. In fact, you don’t have to dip into your moving budget at all. Here are Homes Re-Imagined six tips for staging your home on a budget.

1. Pack Unnecessary Items

You want every room to feel big and open. Over-packed rooms give the impression that the house doesn’t have enough storage space, and having too much furniture implies not enough floor space. Pack everything you don’t need. If possible, move these things to a storage unit or the garage or basement of a friend’s house.

2. Sprinkle Baking Soda on Carpets

You may not notice an odor from pets, cigarettes, wood-burning fireplaces, etc., but a buyer sensitive to these odors will, especially if they have allergies. If you have a carpet cleaner it doesn’t hurt to clean all your carpets. Otherwise, sprinkle baking soda all over. Wait about 30 minutes and vacuum it up. Do this before an open house, as the baking soda neutralizes odors. You don’t want to just light a bunch of scented candles because buyers will wonder what you’re trying to cover up.

3. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub

Your house needs a bath. Even if you consider your home to be really clean, you may overlook the gunk behind the faucets and dust on light fixtures, but a buyer won’t. Even though these are really small things and the buyer probably has a little dust around their house, too, it still makes it look like maybe the house hasn’t been taken care of as it should be.

4. Clear the Clutter and Depersonalize

While you’re packing make sure you are getting the little things that make a space appear busy, as well as the personal items that make it harder for a buyer to connect to the house. Unnecessary magazines on the fridge, mail on the counter, trophies, and family photos are good examples.

5. Evaluate Lighting

One of the most effective staging tricks that professionals swear by is turning on all the lights. You want every room to feel positive and full of energy, including the dreary spare room that sits empty. When taking photos for a listing always do this during the day when there is plenty of natural light.

6. Improve Curb Appeal

Keep the lawn cut to about 3 inches to keep it looking its best. Make sure there are no weeds sprouting through cracks in the driveway. You definitely do not want to draw attention to cracks that may need to be sealed. Keep hedges manicured and walkways swept.

Staging your home the right way will make it more attractive to potential buyers, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Showcasing your home’s best features while presenting it in a clean and natural way will help you achieve a quick sale at a pleasing price.

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